Sometimes the first step to getting back, is getting psyched.

Inspiration station

Inspiration station

Last week, after an extended break from my normal running-climbing schedule, I jumped back in the saddle. And you know what? That saddle is not super comfortable haha.

Like anyone who has been out of the game, it takes awhile to meet yourself back where you left off. Pair that feeling with the lack of a routine and it can be hard to motivate yourself. 

This is the exact space I found myself in this week. Ugh! Below is my game plan for getting unstuck. Maybe it will help you too.

How to get your mind psyched, when your body is not

check out
Check out of your body. Yes- the exact opposite of what every coach will ever tell you. Assuming your lack of enthusiasm stems from being out of shape and not from injury or illness, sometimes the best way to push through that getting-back phase is to ignore it. Maybe it's fantasizing about crushing your next race or pretending you are blazing down the side of a mountain. Projecting your mind to where you want to be rather than where you are can help solidify your running goals while helping you push past the discomfort of a comeback.

pump it up
Sink into your instagram feed (wait... is this another thing people advise against? ;) ) and seek out some inspiration. Watch silly aspirational movies. Listen to your go song. Whatever it is, find the thing that gets you pumped to get back out there. I like to marvel at the crazy fast people on my running team or listen to climbers I've met on podcasts, and let these connections push me forward. Hey if they can do it, so can I, right?

dial in
Now that I've projected myself to where I want to be and found some deep-rooted inspiration, I'm ready to crush my goals. This is where I dial it in. Time to check back into my body and check off the boxes. Ok, it hurts now, but it won't later. And later I'll be that much better for it.

Looking to get psyched? 

Here are some of my favorite sources for athletic inspiration:

Book: Confessions of an Unlikely Runner (I’ve read all the running books, and this one- by a normal mid-pack run loving weekend warrior- is by far THE BEST)

Browse: Literally any Alexi Pappas poem ever, specifically this one and this one

Watch: Meru, Project Mina, Fast Girls, She’s The Man, Gracie, Bend it Like Beckham, Reel Rock