Running the Rail Trail


Happy Mid-June! Where did the time go?! These few months have been pretty intense on a lot of fronts, leaving me away from the computer and out of my normal routine for a bit. While it certainly hasn't been the best, it also wasn't all bad! This spring I have been lucky enough to see my family more and even get outside for a weekend or two. Let's recap!

Running the Rail Tail with my Dad!

Last month I visited my parents and got to run on the Rail Trail with my Dad! He supported me on the bike while I ran a super hot but crazy beautiful 4 miler. 

My Dad is the whole reason I am a runner now (we'd go for beach runs in the summer together when I was younger), so it is always fun getting outside with him by my side. The Rail Trail didn't exist when I was growing up in Massachusetts, but it now is one of my favorite places to run. A babbling brook to the left, birds flying overhead, and green everywhere. Add in my Dad making me laugh the whole time and boom: running perfection!

We rounded out the run with a few beers and some wings at a local joint. Can't wait to go again!

I also have been fortunate enough to take a long weekend climbing trip up to our favorite spot- The Gunks! This was our first weekend climbing outside for the year and man did it feel that way! Climbing outside is so hard, and I have a difficult time adjusting my expectations. Either way, getting to cabin-camp and climb with a great group of friends is always a blast- whether you get to the top of a rock or not.

What’s next? Chicago Training is on the horizon!

Now with summer almost upon us, it’s time to officially start my training plan for Chicago! My plan is largely the same as my Philly plan, starting slow and easy since I am building off of a barely-there base. I’ll also be subbing in biking for any runs my body doesn’t feel up for. Until I am 100% healthy, I’ll have to be patient with my progress. It will be hard but I think I can manage- one day at a time! I’ll be sure to keep you in the loop- till then have a wonderful sunny week!